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KINDNESS TOPS IT by (Ugwu Chinaecherem)

Many people these days put 'sapiosexual' on their bio. They just find intelligence very attractive.
One thing I have discovered is that intelligence and kindness are independent variables. You can have both and you can lack both too.
I know the believer has kindness as a fruit. But not everyone is making use of theirs, hence this post.
I believe its better to date/marry a kind person than an intelligent person who is not kind. I have seen many people become insecure in life because they once dated an unkind intelligent person.
They have explanation for hurting you, and they know how to justify their vengeful traits.
When Mercy is required, they are using logic, and when tolerance is needed, they are pointing out wrongs.
Someone will hurt you and still use his intelligence to make you beg him. It happens. You will need money to attend to your health but he will beautifully explain why he can't remove a dime from his account at that moment.
They will always say 'Come to think of it', or 'let me break it down for you'. Everything is about brain work.
Even when you are losing it, they are breaking it down for you.
Somehow when you both have problems, you will end up the guilty one. When you listen to their side of the story, it's filled with all logical reasons why they did what they did.
It will always make sense; but when measured with the scale of kindness will be found wanting. You will end up apologising to them.
Kindness is golden. It makes intelligence awesome!
When you are losing it, a kind person won't think of himself at that moment, he uses his intelligence to figure out how to help you hold it together. He makes excuses for you, and finds a way to make you look good before the public.
An unkind intelligent person can even predict when you will call to ask for favour and will switch off. He could tell that this call coming from you by 2pm (you often call by 6pm) means you are in trouble and they won't pick.
Two intelligent people can keep malice for weeks, their argument can last for days, they may refuse to help each other's family members, and they can both sleep without eating because of who should cook. Intelligence will always find reasons not to admit wrong.
But kindness will want to forgive, it will assume you are going through things and that's why you answered me badly today, it will know when you are weak and even though it's your turn to cook, he will present you with a good meal.
Kindness will not be watching TV from 8pm waiting for you to come back by 11pm and cook. Even if kindness can't cook, it will think out something.
My dear, choose kindness.
You may say, "he should be kind and intelligent", yes you are correct; but let his/her kindness be louder than her intelligence.
As you learn to look out for kindness, don't forget to be kind too, the one that gives kindness should receive it too.
Kindness should top it for you!
Image may contain: 1 person, standing


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