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Showing posts from January, 2020


These proven methods have nothing to do with appearance. I used to believe that looks were the only thing that could make me attractive in the eyes of someone else. I thought that they’d judge me on my average face, average body, and make a decision whether they’d like me solely based on that. I was wrong. Most of us spend hours getting ready each day because we want to look good in the eyes of those we meet. However, we rarely stop and think about the other qualities necessary to be considered attractive by someone else. Right?  We think “if I can have this haircut… wear this dress… or smile in a certain way, other people will think I’m attractive.”  But sooner or later, you realize that attraction isn’t merely about how you look. I’ve discovered that attraction is, by  definition , how you’re able to attract other people into your life because of the qualities you possess. So instead of focusing solely on appearance, it’s also vital to concentrate on building qualities that make oth